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  —— 以真情回报社会 ,用爱心感恩社会
  一个“以人为本 、以人品创造产品”的时尚服饰品牌 ;
一个“勇于创新 、将编织科技完美绽放”的活力团队 ;
一个“以真情回报社会 ,用爱心感恩社会”的优秀企业 ;
一个“人为本 、客为上 、诚为根 、创为魂”为核心价值观 ,“超越自我 , 超越时代”为战略愿景的现代化集团 。
新兴价值观 Value Idea of Xinxing
诚实守信的品德 Personal character with honest code of honor
合作共赢的胸怀 Mind with the cooperation altogether wins
乐于奉献的心境 Mood with being glad to the offer
勇于负责的精神 Spirit with daring to be responsible
用心专注的态度 Manner with attentively dedicated
持续创新的思维 Thought with continually innovation
新兴团队理念 Team Idea of Xinxing
不像海滩沙石相互撞击 ,犹如星斗一样彼此照耀 !

新兴工作理念 Work Idea of Xinxing
比最努力更努力 ,比最用心更用心 ! There’s not best only then be better

新兴发展理念 Development Idea of Xinxing
以个人退公司进为指导原则 ,以局部让全局为核心思想 !
It is with the guiding principle as individual would draw back in order to make the company going advanced, and it is with the core thought as partial concessions would be substituted in overall.
  地址 :浙江省诸暨市城关镇孙陈 邮编 :311800 电话: 0575-87322188 传真: 0575-87322205
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